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Before we jump into what to deworm with this time of year, it would be more helpful to understand the current approach to parasite control. We used to counsel each farm based on its own particular age range and population density, but now it is far more appropriate to do it on an individual horse basis. By this means we would determine each horse's own fecal egg count score and place them into a low, medium, or high category. (READ MORE)

Technology has enabled us to view, with you the owner, immediate films on your farm. This has been extremely beneficial for the horse. This is an example of a corrective trim showing angle changes pre and post trim. The podiatry software allows the morphing of before and after x-rays to illustrate the improvement of hoof alignment. SEE VIDEO ABOVE.


No foot... No horse.

Here again we have considerable overlap of therapeutic shoeing with lameness, orthopedics, and sports-medicine. People such as Ric Redden, Stephen O’Grady, and Scott Morrison have in recent years drawn much deserved attention to the mechanics and physiology of the horse’s hoof. The recent advent of MRI has opened a whole new box of Pandora, laden with multiple possibilities of lameness as related to the hoof and distal limb. Equine podiatry, while relying heavily upon physics and mechanics, seeks to relate those perspectives with the physiology and dynamic relationships that exist not only within the internal structures of the foot, but also between the hoof and the more proximal limb and body.


While we have a professional passion for this aspect of equine practice, this is no way replaces the invaluable relationship owners share with their farriers; in fact, many situations find the vet and farrier working together in a productive, symbiotic relationship wherein all, most importantly the horse, benefit.

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