"...our pursuit of clinical knowledge, as it relates to our four-legged friends, will never rest."
Our approach to equine medicine is one of competence, relationship, and trust.
In order to best serve, we must be attentive to the balance that sometimes exists between finances and emotional sentiment. The ability to make jointly informed decisions only gets better when the “label” of vet-client-patient-relationship evolves into that of family.
It is imperative, though, that we as veterinarians be on the cutting edge as competent diagnosticians and clinicians; scientific publications are read and educational conferences attended as we attempt to drink from that fire-hose of new and forthcoming information. We also maintain professional relationships with mentors and clinicians at referral centers and universities, who, being experts specific to their own medical field, are an invaluable source of information.
All this to say that if we care, if the welfare of the horse is our joint concern, then our pursuit of clinical knowledge, as it relates to our four-legged friends, will never rest.