The amount of information accumulated on this subject over the last decade seems to have grown exponentially.
Many times information hailed to be “the latest” (especially on the internet) is already ten years out of date. Not to despair, though, as basic and foundational information remains steadfast and true. Hardly a day goes by without us dealing with cases that fall into these categories.
•Young horse/foal developmental orthopedic disease and conformational deformities
•weight-bearing vs. flexion type lameness, i.e. swinging vs. standing lameness
•Hoof, tendon, joint, bone, muscle, and even neurological points of injury and/or inflammation
•Performance (or loss thereof) related issues, i.e. loss of power, impulsion, or suspension while not being noticeably lame to the casual (and even astute) observer
•Geriatric discomfort/arthritis etc.
The art of deciphering origin, locale, therapy, and prognosis with equine lameness spans the entire spectrum of difficulty. History, physical exam, diagnostic blocks, and various imaging modalities (we utilize ultrasonagraphy and digital radiography) are utilized in uncovering their source of pain/discomfort... if they could only talk.